Soundlab reliable?

Contemplating buying SoundLab M-2PX or A-3PX speakers to be driven by some Atma-Sphere amps, how reliable is the speaker? What concerns or issues have you had?
Hello KeithMundy
Congratulations on your purchase of the Soundlab M-1Px speakers. Your journey has just begun and you will be handsomely rewarded with one of the best bargains in high-end.

Patience goes along with owning these beasts because just when you think they are sounding great there's always a surprise awaiting you for changing cables,power cords,toe-in (either in or out),sources, or amps. Get it all dialed in correctly and because of your efforts heaven awaits at your listening chair. I wish you many years of pure joy and reliability.
Keith what amps are you driving them with?
Also congrads you may never listen to a dynamic speaker again.
Hello Rleff, I'm driving my M-1PX panels with Pass Labs X600.8 mono blocks. Oh, I'm not giving up on drivers! In fact, I just had the pleasure to hear Magico's new S7 speakers yesterday at the Magico facility in Hayward CA. The speakers are amazing!
Yes I heard them at overture audio in Delaware and they are
amazing. I think what I like about my m2's is you can listen all day and not get tired of the session; the soundstage is just huge and being able to locate instruments within is awesome; enjoy your new investment!!!!
Just picked up some A3s that had new mylar installed in 011. I also picked up some A3 pxes along with pristine 3s and pristine 2s . Nothing can compare in my book. After hearing a good panel, driver speakers sound so slow and I can hear the xovers. They all sound like a cardboard box .