Anyone Try this?

Recent issue of Stereophile had a tweak suggestion to use thick felt pads versus spikes for speakers situated on hardwood floors; implied that there was no sonic degradation. Anyone ever try this, and if so findings?
Spikes are just plain bad news .
I went to Herbies threaded ceramic glider footers on the two pr of speakers I listen to most, BIG improvement.
Herbies sorbothane based footers are not made for speakers.
The four feet on the outriggers of my Tidal speakers are basically a roller bearing support. I installed 1/8" thick dense felt pads on the bottom of the feet and have noticed no audible change vs. the footer's stainless steel surface contacting the floor. It sure is a lot easier to move the speakers now and I don't have to worry about scratching the aluminum oxide finish on the plank flooring.