Watched the MTV awards that night

i never realized the music business was in such a big place. All the performers sound alike. It sounds like they all have the same recording engineer. There is no individuality to any of acts. It's all just a formulated mess.

I am so thankful I grew up a time when there were great musicians and singers and songwriters. They say progress is good but it didn't work out that way in the music business.
I have a 2 record Jolson compilation that I recall being pretty darn good. I need to give that another spin.

Jolson was still a popular legacy act when I was a kid in teh early 60s. I recall TV ads pitching Jolson recordings. I never paid much attention. The Beatles were breaking and all that. Plus old records sounded crappy on the cheap gear I had back then. Now those old recordings are entrancing, especially when digitally remastered well.
Read his writeup on Wikipedia. fascinating stuff!

How'd we start on Al Jolson in a thread about VMA awards again? A good omen maybe.
I brought up Al Jolsen just to show how times and tastes have changed over the years! While we're at it take a look at Sophie Tucker,she was another superstar of another era!
Millions of people all over the world eat at McDonalds. There is always a big market for crap.