Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
It is astounding to me that the about $15,000 Tara Labs speaker cable can be compared to the about $80 WE16ga speaker cable in the same breath, with the WE16ga comparing so close, so favorably, to most if not all the vaunted speaker wires; and perhaps the WE betters those vaunted wires in certain categories such as musicality, if not in overall performance. At any rate it is close, neck and neck. Let us nitpick about the ninth degree of top end extension (as though realistically) men over forty can truly hear it. Or the supposed "inner detail." Let us pay the $14,000 plus difference in cash to get it. Frankly, it's embarrassing, perhaps downright stupid.

I doubt that they will top the WE, so the Supra will likely end up as my home theatre wire.
I appreciate the discussion taking place on this thread. I can relate to virtually all of it. What is the quest?
1.Currrent High End audiophile sonic criteria or
2.An attempt to get to the emotional heart and soul of music.
They are two different objectives that will lead to a different sound and listening experiences. I'm not interested in debating which is "right", I just know which is more satisfying and fulfilling for me. Reading this thread It's apparent there are others who listen in the same fashion also.
I have no criticism of those who hear and prefer their sound in an alternative manner. This is the true expression of personal choice.

I learned my lesson 6 years ago with my exposure to SET amplifiers. All the warnings and caution about them just turned out to be nonsense and misguided IMO.
Any audio component or product that has the ability to get me more emotionally involved is doing something very right. I 'll let other argue/debate the technology and why it should or shouldn't work. At this point I don't care, I just listen and judge based on what I hear.
Jet and others, I now have the WE ICs in my main rig after 30 hours of burn in. Please see my build notes a few posts back. They are not coming out. I decided to shield them with Belden tinned copper tube braiding soldered at BOTH ends and the sound is simply stunning. They sound very much like the Belden 8402, but a larger stage and tad more openness. I used the Switchcraft connectors also.

Thus far I am very pleased. My digital front end is totally glare free, smooth and engaging to the nth degree. I love the effortless presentation that is drenched in realism. Remember, I also have a WE 16ga digital cable built just recently.

I hope more of this wire becomes available soon so more can enjoy it.
Great posts and information shared by seasoned Agoners on this thread. I am interested in the results of the solid core WE ICs and Supra/WE comparison.

I have one set of Belden ICs with the rest of my non-power cord wire being WE16ga. The WE IC is used on my dac to preamp connection. Belden on the pre to amp.
09-05-15: Mikirob
It is astounding to me that the about $15,000 Tara Labs speaker cable can be compared to the about $80 WE16ga speaker cable in the same breath, with the WE16ga comparing so close, so favorably, to most if not all the vaunted speaker wires; and perhaps the WE betters those vaunted wires in certain categories such as musicality, if not in overall performance. At any rate it is close, neck and neck.
Rob, for my thoughts on why a high degree of correlation between cable performance and cable price should not be expected, see my posts here and here, and in the links provided therein.

While the findings you and the others have reported about the WE and Belden cables are certainly a wonderful and valuable discovery, IMO they are not at all surprising.

Enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al