What Did I Do Wrong?

I have a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated with the KT120 tubes. I wanted to try the EL34 sound in my system so I purchased 4 Shuguang EL34B tubes which were graded and matched from Upscale Audio. I checked with Rogue and was told to set the bias at 30ma. I received the tubes today, installed them and let them warm up for 30 minutes. The sound was a little ragged and distorted and try as I may, I couldn't get a reading on the bias meter.

Thinking I wrecked the amp, I reinstalled the KT120 tubes (thank God I marked which socket they came out of) fired the amp up and the sound is again full with no distortion. I checked the bias on the KT120's after 30 minutes and the bias on one tube was off a little.

Why did the EL34 tubes sound distorted and why couldn't I bias them? What did I do wrong? Do you think these tubes are all toast now?
09-05-15: Analogluvr
So u got a reading fine with the 120s?

Yup, everything is fine with the KT120 tubes back in.
Can anyone please tell me the difference between the EL34B and the regular EL34? I'm curious.....
Joe - From thetubestore.com's page for the Tung-Sol EL34B - "When driven into distortion it starts off a bit crunchy like a 6L6 but as you push it, the sound blooms into that singing EL34 tone with great sustain and modest compression." From the manufacturer: "The Tungsol EL34-B is a higher impedance EL34 tube design with increased touch responsiveness and a unique clipping characteristic with a hint of the 6L6 sound." Hope this helps!