What Did I Do Wrong?

I have a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated with the KT120 tubes. I wanted to try the EL34 sound in my system so I purchased 4 Shuguang EL34B tubes which were graded and matched from Upscale Audio. I checked with Rogue and was told to set the bias at 30ma. I received the tubes today, installed them and let them warm up for 30 minutes. The sound was a little ragged and distorted and try as I may, I couldn't get a reading on the bias meter.

Thinking I wrecked the amp, I reinstalled the KT120 tubes (thank God I marked which socket they came out of) fired the amp up and the sound is again full with no distortion. I checked the bias on the KT120's after 30 minutes and the bias on one tube was off a little.

Why did the EL34 tubes sound distorted and why couldn't I bias them? What did I do wrong? Do you think these tubes are all toast now?
Call Nick at Rogue back or send him an email and tell him what happened. He will help you out and explain what is going on. Rogue has excellent service and is always willing to help owners put, even if the aren't the original owners. They've always been prompt in answering my questions and usually answer the phone when you call.
I already sent Nick an email and stated I would follow up with a phone call tomorrow.
Stereo5...please let us know what you find out. I'm kinda intrigued by the problem.
This is what is best in the audiogon forum communities; great help and sometimes even a designer or manufacturer will pop in to help as well; Ralph from Atma-Sphere as a example.
Talked to Nick at Rogue today and he confirmed the EL34 tubes do work in the Cronus Magnum. He said I may have to turn the bias pots up to a dozen turns to get the tubes to bias.