Dan D 'Agostino, Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel,

What happens to the sound, quality and everything else to the products of a company when the founder leaves? Do the original companies sustain their lustre they had in their heyday under the founder?

Dan D 'Agostino (Krell), Mark Levinson, Jim Thiel, Arnie Nudell (Inffinity) and Bob Carver(Carver Corp & Sunfire) left companies they founded to be run by others. Can you name any others that left to start up elsewhere? How did their old companies fare after they left?
One can still buy some genuine "Thiels" from the new Thiel company. But alas, their latest models must have poor Jim spinning in his grave.
I would call-out Harbeth as an exception. Alan Shaw didn't start the company, but bought out Dudley Harwood. Shaw has since been very successful at continuing Harwood's legacy.
I would also include Philip Swift of Spendor another exception !
That company is very successful after the founder Spencer
Hughes gave it up!
..good point.... I'm woried that Richard Vandersteen will retire leaving another brick in the wall.
In the year since my "annoying freak" comment I've realized something…Carver is still an annoying freak. His designs might be fine, although also freaky…except his smaller tube amps…I like those.