Best Used Phono preamp around $2500

Guys looking to get back into analog- Looking to start with a phono preamp as I have a Tech. SL1200 MK2 with KAB upgrades for the moment to use- What is the best used preamp around $2500- I have a tube pre and amp- thanks
I'd lean toward the Allnic H-1201.
I really like mine, but I've never heard the Herron VTPH-2.
In a prior thread there was someone who compared the Allnic 1201 to the Chinook they much preferred the 1201. Maybe they'll chime in here, but just FWIW.
If there is a Herron VTPH-2 for sale around $2500, there is no need to look further. I have one. I have never heard anything better. Period.

I have no financial interest in Herron Audio.
Why buy used? I have one of these and it is outstanding!