Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
I got them brand new shipped from the Gato factory I have them in the dark cherry wood looking mahogany color. Look at their website. It's hard to compare them to something. The are neutral with excellent vapor like treble extension. Ring radiator tweeter. Really tight bass. Excellent midrange. They reproduce what you feed them. I got them based on a friend of mine having them. There may be on 5 to 7 pair in the U.S. They are big in Europe. My system is a little eclectic. I wanted it to be different. I'm very happy with my speakers.
Hey calvinj, their is a pair of Gato fm6 speakers in mint, excellent, used pair here on audiogon for $9,300 asking price, is that a good deal?