Favorite CD treatment Products

Has anyone out there tried/compared CD treatment products such as the Auric Illuminator or Essence of Music treatment? Any preferences or comments on these products?
I've used and liked Auric Illuminator. It is a good product. I've also used others I liked less. But I've started to use the Essence of Music. I can tell you how it sounds but you might not believe me. It can be that much of a leap. It is a fundamental shift in listening to cd in my system. I never thought cd played depth well or fullness of timber or had a easy unforced analogue like flow to the music that kept drawing you in...But I was dead wrong. I now understand that it is not so much getting the music onto the cd as it is getting the information off the cd.....If any of you try this product I will warn you..it makes you stop and wonder "what just happened?" it's just silly good...I can't go on without sounding like I'm babbling..it's a stunning product. Do understand a disc driven into constant distortion[Nashville/country for example ]... it will still sound bad... and that's the loudness war at work....cheers, bluenose
I've used the Mapleshade Records method of improving CDs for many years (some of you are probably familiar with these). I always found the discs treated to sound superior in everyway. And I figured that there wasn't much additional improvement that could be obtained. But decided to give the Essence of Music a try with a well what the heck, doesn't hurt much to try kind of feeling. But I wasn't expecting much. Wow was I wrong! First disc I treated was a Brian Blade album. I am intimately familiar with this album and have listened to it countless times through the years. Holy moly the improvement with Essense of Music was nothing short of shocking! It was as if I've taken that extra step to the real music/microphone feeds. There is a beautiful improvement in resolution, soundstage, PRAT. Just sounds more musical, and live. But I just honestly thought there was nothing else on the disc to hear but I was flat wrong!

Now the only bad news -- I need to treat hundreds of CDs and re-rip them :-)
Melb0028 I know exactly where you're coming from. Now that I've tried the Essence of Music I feel the same way. It is one of those elusive "WoW" treatments indeed. cheers, Bluenose
Essence of Music has 2 kits. Which one are you referring to? The professional or the one half the cost?
Hi, I bought the smaller one not knowing how effective it was going to be. If I had know I would have got the larger one. But I'll probably get the larger kit before Christmas. Lots of cds to treat.:)...cheers, bluenose