The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
The soundlab speakers driven by VTL electronics.For a fraction of what you can spend on speakers the way everything in a soundfield is reproduced is uncanny.They have a "spook" factor of 11 on a 1-10 scale.Imagine getting one of the greatest speakers for 10,000 to 15,000 dollars instead of 50,000 to 100,000.That's what you call a freaking steal.
Roxy54, at the time that I had the Cello gear, they didn't have speakers. I heard the Stradivaris later but never owned them. I don't really recall what speakers I had with the Cellos. It may have been Duntech Sovereigns.
Melbguy1, now with expensive cables and power cords, I think the notion of a balanced approach is nonsense. I have found that $20k worth of HFCables on an $1800 dac makes it sound like a $35,000 dac. Also isolation and better racks cannot be ignored.

Yes GiGo, but everything is critical for there to be the magic that we can now get.
Of course everything matters. I too have not heard a speaker that I like better than the Vandersteen 7's and I haven't even had a chance to hear the MK2's. I've heard them many times, in many systems in many rooms and they always sound the way I like music to music. There are a lot of speakers I have loved over the years, but none have moved me AND given me the fabric of the music, detail, pace, rhythem etc... as the Vandersteen. I will never be able to afford them, but I pushed things and got the Treo's.

That takes nothing away from Magico's or Wilsons or Harbeths or....Too many expensive speakers that get great props in the press just haven't moved me and I've heard most in many systems. That doesn't mean that many don't swear by those other speakers or brands. I just wish that more people would listen with products they own or can afford. Too many just buy stuff they read about or hear about in threads on the net (like this one) and make their choices without knowing what else is out there. I'm just back from a few weeks in Japan and I got to hear a ton of gear that I never get to hear in the states due to what I'm living, traveling etc... They certainly are listening differently that I listen, but that's cool too. I did get into portable audio while over there and got a pair of Noble Savants this week. I have yet to hear most of the iem's out there, but from what I did get to hear, I liked the Nobles a whole lot and I'm sure in a year from now I'll have these sold off and be looking for something else. I've already had folks who like JH audio better, give me a hard time. That's what I love about audio, there is always a great debate to be had.

Fun thread still