Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?

This topic came about in another post.

If your speakers allow for bi-wiring, do you use this feature? Or, do you use good quality jumpers and single wire cables? Or, do you just use the jumper plates that come with the speakers and single wire cables?

(If you are bi-amping, then that's completely different.)
Always Bi Wire when possible, jumpers blah! Two sets of runs always tightens things up!
I used to bi-wire but doubt I could really hear a difference. Just did it because the speakers were set up for it and the speaker cable I used at the time allowed it. With current sp. cable (Morrow SP4 or Clear Day double shotgun) I single wire and use Clear Day jumpers. Even so, have played around with connecting to top or bottom posts or diagonally. Just something else to make one's self crazy. Current iteration is diagonal with red to low and black to hi freq. posts. Again, not sure I can really hear a difference.
Single wire with jumpers. Thinking about trying some more expensive jumpers to see if I can detect a difference. I was using anti-cable jumpers, then tried a set of inexpensive jumpers and couldn't hear any difference. Maybe I'll be wasting my money, maybe not.
I began with single wire and sound was excellent. I later upgraded to biwire.

To be completely honest, single wire for dollar spent was a more sensible option. I used identical brand and performance level both times so I think this was a fair test.

Anyway I‘m biwire now and enjoy the small performance advantage.
yes, my speakers allow for biwire. at the start I used a single pair of speaker cables + jumpers. The sonics were good.
Then, when I had some money, I bought a 2nd pair of speaker wires & did a shotgun run of 2 pairs of speaker cables per speaker. The sonics were vastly improved in the bass region. on this account i'm seconding Mattmiller "Two sets of runs always tightens things up!
In my case it was very apparent & successful. I won't be going back to a single pair + jumpers. FWIW. YMMV.