Well Tempered Signature turntable and arm

since yesterday i have a Well Tempered Signature turntable with matching tonearm.
Unfortunatelly there are so little informations about this product.
The only source for me is on vinylengine.com, from the seller and from an ad reputedly of 1989, but i am not shure if some of these informations are correct:

- prduction date: at the latest from 1989 till at least 1995
- 50 pieces made
- more expensive than WT Reference
- it should be exposed in the Museum of Modern Arts in NY (but i have just found the Well Tempered chair by Ron Arad, sic!)

Have you any correct informations about this nice turntable?

Maybe any cartridge recommendations? I will try my Decca / London Reference Cartridge and DV XV-1s, i think both of them match it quite good.

I knew of Brooks Berdan but never used his services, so I cannot compare his work with Elliot's. In today's world, Elliot seems to have the WWT under control. Its kind of a love/hate relationship. He hates to set them up, but then always says ... "when set up properly, the WWT is one of the best out there, surpassing tables costing much, much more." And besides ... you really couldn't find a cooler person than Elliot to deal with.
I love Elliot. Bought his demo Atma-Sphere M-60's right as he was giving up the line, when he still had the storefront. A really principled, ethical guy.
I had the Atma-Sphere M-60's in the system for a couple of years on loan from a friend. Lovely sounding amps for sure. Ralph's audio gear makes music.
Yeah, but 8 power tubes for only 60w! Double that for two channels. I didn't ask Elliot why he was giving up the Atma-Sphere line. I know he liked the Joule products a lot, but that was a while back.
Back to the WWT Signature Turntable!!!

I snapped one of the fishing lines holding the arm in the silicone bath. I called the distributors mentioned above and finally took it into a rep -- The new Best Buy's of Atlanta. A new life, a new day, will keep the community posted.

WTR cartridge, suggest Benz, Grado or Dyanavector (on lower end TT's)
