Recommend A More Dynamic Monitor Than Harbeth C7

I'm in the process of altering my system to make it more dynamic sounding. I've been playing quite a bit of guitar lately and that does really change ones perspective on listening. Changed my amps to Herron M1As, 150 wpc solid state, and my cartridge to a Lyra Delos from an EMT. I'm thinking maybe the speakers are next.

I love my Harbeth C7es3s but they do sit along the mid range of things and although they reproduce that band fantastically, I'm looking for more snap in a stand mount that can be listened to in the near-field.

Any suggestions? Budget is $3000. Happy to buy used.
JM Reynaud Bliss Silver with Magic Stands. A very natural step (up in my opinion) from Harbeth.
Outside your budget alas, but I just acquired KEF Ref One, and they frighten me.
Get a Tannoy Sterling or ATC SCM 19, you will hear what most other speakers just cannot do even for $20k.

Harbeths are for soft listening, they seriously lack bass dynamics and overall resolution. People enjoy this softer rounded presentation as musicality!