Personally, I hear Freddie's influence in all of the above, tho clearly at different levels. I certainly understand the influence that BB had on Green's sound (and, for that matter, the difference that choice of hardware and expanded technique had on Green's sound), but I'm always struck by the commonality as well as the delta in the playing of Clapton and Green. Sort of consistent with my earlier post re: the definition of pure rock n roll. It really comes down to how you parse and where you draw the lines.
When I need my shot of elegant blues playing, Green is usually my first choice. However, I frequently like to wander into other playing sensibilities. At the other end, guys with less blues influence - be that Richard Thompson or Lindsey - are essential to maintaining a well balanced diet of guitar music, for me.
I guess I pick at the fruit salad, too - it's just that I'll go for different fruits at different times.
Personally, I hear Freddie's influence in all of the above, tho clearly at different levels. I certainly understand the influence that BB had on Green's sound (and, for that matter, the difference that choice of hardware and expanded technique had on Green's sound), but I'm always struck by the commonality as well as the delta in the playing of Clapton and Green. Sort of consistent with my earlier post re: the definition of pure rock n roll. It really comes down to how you parse and where you draw the lines.
When I need my shot of elegant blues playing, Green is usually my first choice. However, I frequently like to wander into other playing sensibilities. At the other end, guys with less blues influence - be that Richard Thompson or Lindsey - are essential to maintaining a well balanced diet of guitar music, for me.
I guess I pick at the fruit salad, too - it's just that I'll go for different fruits at different times.