It Was 40 Years Ago Today...

Born To Run, released this day:

August 25, 1975

And the world saw the future of Rock & Roll, and his name was Bruce Springsteen.
Going back to the sources (something I'm prone to do, as an amateur musicologist---aren't we all?!), I've always preferred both Albert (whom I saw live in '68---fantastic!) and Freddie to B.B. The defining characteristic of B.B.'s playing is that fast finger vibrato he uses a lot on a single, long-held note, which I don't care for. I hear a lot of that influence in the San Francisco guitarists (in Big Brother, The Airplane, Country Joe & The Fish, Quicksilver). It seems to be used by guitarists with, shall we say, less than well-developed technique. I don't hear it in any of Mayall's guitarists, or in British players in general.

I don't think it was directed at me, but just in was not I who referred to Buckingham/Nicks as a "bubblegum team". But if I had, it would not have been done to denigrate them---I much prefer bubblegum music to some others. I would rather listen to, say, The Rubinoos that The Grateful Dead, for instance. That didn't keep me from getting some gigs with hippie type bands, but it didn't help!
The defining characteristic of B.B.'s playing is that fast finger vibrato he uses a lot on a single, long-held note
You should go back and listen to more B.B. Your description is lacking.
Certainly each of the three Brits in question were influenced somewhat by each of the three Kings--listen to how much Strange Brew sounds like Albert's Crosscut Saw, for instance--and by other early blues artists as well. I hear a ton of B.B. in Peter's early records and thought it worthwhile to mention what Mayall, after many years of listening and reflection, had to say on the subject. As for B.B., he once said that Peter Green was the only white blues player who made him sweat, FWIW.
You're right Onhwy61; it's not just on long held notes, but on short ones as well ;-). I'm also not crazy about B.B.'s tone. There's not enough tube saturation for me (B.B., try a lower-powered amp cranked up to 11), but that, of course, is a matter of taste. What isn't?!

Speaking of amp power, guitars, and tone, a Telecaster isn't known as a Blues guitar (Country is a completely different story), yet in the hands of the right player can be excellent. Danny Gatton sure made one sound good, didn't he? That was with the stock Fender pickups replaced with Joe Barden's, his favorite. When I recorded with Telecaster player Evan Johns (a Gatton bandmate at times) he plugged his Tele into a blackface Super Reverb and turned it up full. It sounded great, but was LOUDER THAN HELL!