Chris, no, that's not correct. Using biwire cabling at the same time as jumpers are in place is little different than paralleling two sets of cables, and will work fine. Albeit with the resulting sonics perhaps being somewhat different than if the jumpers were removed.
Also, FWIW, the commonly stated belief that current follows the path of least resistance is an oversimplification. If current is presented with two paths between the same points, or between points that are shorted together, it will divide up between the two paths in inverse proportion to their resistances. Since in this situation the resistances of both cable paths and the jumpers would be near zero, as a rough approximation the current will divide up pretty much equally between the two paths.
And regarding "nothing would reach the crossover/drivers," keep in mind that the jumpers would not be shorting + and - together, they would be connecting + to +, and - to -.
-- Al
Also, FWIW, the commonly stated belief that current follows the path of least resistance is an oversimplification. If current is presented with two paths between the same points, or between points that are shorted together, it will divide up between the two paths in inverse proportion to their resistances. Since in this situation the resistances of both cable paths and the jumpers would be near zero, as a rough approximation the current will divide up pretty much equally between the two paths.
And regarding "nothing would reach the crossover/drivers," keep in mind that the jumpers would not be shorting + and - together, they would be connecting + to +, and - to -.
-- Al