"Pressing Vinyl"

Take a few minutes and watch this video regarding the making of LP's from PS Audio September newsletter. Somewhat interesting.
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The dude says "...it's nothing to me. It's just a record." I hope I never buy one he stamped!
Being in manufacturing all my life I can truly say I'm concerned. The demand and profit are there. (I know I'm paying at least $30.00 for one LP + shipping) Why no new equipment or processes? I would believe capital would be available from investors interested in a fair ROI. Or is it not 'glamorous enough' or not a 'DOT COM' business creating nothing really tangible you can put your hands upon? Kind of sad when the plant manager has no interest, as Abucktwoeighty noted......
Query :

Why do you want "New" recordings on vinyl ?
If I am reading correctly , all of the new stuff is developed in the digital realm and then 'converted' to analog . This digitization & conversion affects the aspects that we love about the original analog/vinyl sound . It's about the processing , isn't it ?