Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?

This topic came about in another post.

If your speakers allow for bi-wiring, do you use this feature? Or, do you use good quality jumpers and single wire cables? Or, do you just use the jumper plates that come with the speakers and single wire cables?

(If you are bi-amping, then that's completely different.)
It sure would be easier if there were "standards" in the audio world, like providing only a single pair of binding posts on speakers. Like most things in this hobby, it can be difficult separating product features designed for better sound from those designed for better sales, with the only true test being how it sounds to the end user.

I suspect more than a few speaker manufacturers jumped on the bi-wire bandwagon simply so they would not be left behind and their products thought to be inferior. If they were really interested in better sound, they would include higher quality jumpers than those crappy metal jumpers that come with even relatively high-priced speakers.

I have achieved the best results in my system by keeping cable runs short and heavy on the copper. Although I am currently bi-wiring my speakers, my speaker cables are only 1M long and consist of a double run of 10 awg vintage WE wire, resulting the best sound I have heard with my current speakers.
09-23-15: Mitch2
It sure would be easier if there were "standards" in the audio world, like providing only a single pair of binding posts on speakers.
Mitch2, there cannot be a standard in audio for providing 1 or 2 pairs of binding posts on a speaker because cross-over design is not a cut-and-dry process where every manuf will have the same circuit. Cross-over design is complicated & full of trade-offs (such as rapid response decay & good transient response). Each speaker designer is going to choose a slightly different set of compromises that will result in a different cross-over circuit & a different sonic signature. The way the cross-over circuit is designed will have a large bearing on whether the speaker designer want the cross-over to "see" the low impedance of the amplifier (parallel cross-over topology) or to "see" the impedance created by the other cross-over elements (series cross-over topology). In the series cross-over topology the designer might not want you messing with 2 pairs of speaker binding posts that changes the impedances of the cross-over connected to the various drivers - he will want full control of this by ensuring that the signal comes in at one point & then fans out into his cross-over with controlled impedances (by his selecting the value of L or R or C per his calculations) at each node.
Cross-over design is art + science & many compromises to the final result. There can be no standard when such is the nature of the problem.
There can be no standard when such is the nature of the problem.
Perhaps not, and of course there isn't a standard, but the amplifier output originates from a single positive pole and a single negative pole. Therefore, assuming only a small L/C/R effect from the speaker cables, is not the relative current draw at each crossover board determined by the drivers and crossover components and not whether it arrives at the speaker by means of a single pair of positive/negative wires or two pairs of wires in a bi-wire configuration?
Perhaps not, and of course there isn't a standard, but the amplifier output originates from a single positive pole and a single negative pole. Therefore, assuming only a small L/C/R effect from the speaker cables, is not the relative current draw at each crossover board determined by the drivers and crossover components and not whether it arrives at the speaker by means of a single pair of positive/negative wires or two pairs of wires in a bi-wire configuration?

Sounds great. But just to nit pick, you leave out the option of bi-amping with a single set of binding posts as a standard.
Good point...many report positive results of bi-amping, but it would be hard to bi-amp with a single set of binding posts.

Speaking of bi-amping, with the improvement of Class D amplifiers, I suspect the industry future may hold more internally powered speakers, with amplification dedicated to each section of drivers, similar to the idea behind the Linkwitz Orion, but more evolved like the new Kii Audio Three speaker, that even includes an internal DAC...I would like to hear a pair...Kii Audio Three