Scansonic mb serie

Does anyone listen MB serie from Scansonic ?
What about the raidho DNA ?
Does thoses speakers sound like a real raidho ?
Hi Murgeshj,

Glad you didn't give up on them. Melody was on my short list when I was shopping for amps. They sound great and they are reasonably priced. I end up with choosing solid state due to maintenance consideration. Happy listening. My MB-2.5's continue to surprise me everyday :)
My 2.5 have approx. 400 hours on them and yes they sounded like crap when I first set them up.Everything is true about setup from above..9 feet apart for sure.I found to control the bass a sub was necessary in my room as well as bass traps in corners and wall panels front and rear.Ive tried both tube and solid state.With SS in my room it sounds way too sterile which is basically how my Raidhos sounded,with tubes the ribbons are tamed a bit and the mids are fleshed out more with better imaging.Overall I actually like these better than the 42k Raidho C3 I had,simply from the money spent if nothing else.
Still the Mb2.5 have the bass boom after 90 hrs, and I have limitations of space to place them 9feet apart.
And unfortunately I ditched my beloved Totem model 1.
Hopefully get better and MB2.5 are not as reveling as Model 1.
Using with Spec amplification, had driven the totem comfortably and delear confirmed that spec comfortably the PMC's Fact series..
Have you tried putting bass traps on the corners? I dont think mine has 90 hrs yet but the muddy bass issue was gone after 40 or 50 hrs with bass traps. I am not familiar with your Spec amp so cant comment. Alan mentioned using Hegel H80 and I guess why I am getting good result with my H200. I am still breaking in mine 2.5's but it has become a quite enjoyable process for me.