Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?

Hi All, I have PS Audio gear, and both my DAC and my phono section have enough gain to run directly to the amp. Is this really the optimal arrangement, or might I actually get better sound by adding a good preamp, say a Cary or a Modwright tube unit, to the mix. Thanks in advance.
Yes! Well, it took a design expert, but finally a great answer. Driving the inter-connect cable---what a concept! Maybe another reason why the sound of any given cable is so system-dependent---it's interacting with the volume control in the pre-amp of every system it's put in.
Autoformers control the cable by optimizing the impedance relationship as one attenuates the signal. And most systems, even phono, don't need gain.

A fair amount of care must be used, however, in matching sources and amplifiers (the coupling capacitor mentioned above).
Well, so far 2 of the predictable sellers have arrived.
Peter should shamelessly be along soon............

Driving the inter-connect cable---what a concept!Maybe another reason why the sound of any given cable is so system-dependent---it's interacting with the volume control in the pre-amp of every system it's put in.

This is either tongue in cheek, or your so wrong.

Just in case it was not tongue in cheek. The volume pot in a preamp has nothing to do with the interconnect cable, as there is and active buffer between them, totally isolating the pot from the interconnects

Cheers George
Georgelofi, you are not seriously asking me to recommend a preamp when I have no idea what amp or speakers the Op is using. You sir are asking me to put the horse before the cart. However I'm advocate for using a preamp. Detail as you seem to be hung up on as in your past posts does not necessarily result in an engaging or musical presentation and further there are many other aspects that define a good sounding system hopefully not excluding detail.

Cheers to you!