Do you Bi-Wire, if you can?

This topic came about in another post.

If your speakers allow for bi-wiring, do you use this feature? Or, do you use good quality jumpers and single wire cables? Or, do you just use the jumper plates that come with the speakers and single wire cables?

(If you are bi-amping, then that's completely different.)

I think the reason bi-wiring from a single amplifier causes so much discussion is that it is sort of a poor man's bi-amping and in many cases does not result in significant sonic differences/improvements over single wiring with jumpers.

That's exactly how I see it.
welcome Mitch2. glad that i could be of assistance in this matter.

I think the reason bi-wiring from a single amplifier causes so much discussion is that it is sort of a poor man's bi-amping .......
oh boy! I really hope that you are wrong in thinking this when you wrote it! IMO it would be a bad hallucination to think that bi-wiring would give you any of the benefits of bi-amping.
I see bi-wiring as a method of impedance control between the speaker & the amp: the woofer driver & x-over see the low impedance of the power amp (assuming the negligible impact of the speaker cable) immediately which helps to control the woofer back EMF. This is in comparison to 1 pair of binding posts where the woofer sees the low output impedance of the amp thru the metal jumpers or short jumper cables + the speaker cable which is worse.
In contrast bi-amping not only has 2 or more amps to drive the speaker but also the freedom to play around with the x-over frequencies & the x-over slopes.
ANyway, hopefully people are a lot wiser now to not mistake the benefits of one for the other. Thanks.
That was sarcasm. Bi-amping offers significantly greater potential benefits.
geez!! you said it with a straight-face that i did not get the joke. Sorry! ;-)