Matt, congratulations on reaching this major milestone in your journey. Enjoy!
A point to keep in mind regarding your forthcoming audition of the Aesthetix Romulus Signature: It will be marginal, at best, in terms of its compatibility with the relatively low input impedance of your Burmester preamp (11K balanced/16.5K unbalanced, and I assume you will want to use the balanced inputs). The manual for the non-Signature Romulus states:
The corresponding numbers for the Signature version, which don't appear to be published, would probably be somewhat lower (better) than that, due to the output coupling capacitor upgrades it incorporates. But I suspect it would still be just marginally compatible, with the most likely consequence being some amount of rolloff in the bottom octave. So be sure that your assessment includes particular focus on material having significant content in the very deep bass region.
A number of other Aesthetix products are similarly marginal with respect to low impedance loads, which is why I suspected there might be an issue in this case and checked into these numbers.
Best regards,
-- Al
A point to keep in mind regarding your forthcoming audition of the Aesthetix Romulus Signature: It will be marginal, at best, in terms of its compatibility with the relatively low input impedance of your Burmester preamp (11K balanced/16.5K unbalanced, and I assume you will want to use the balanced inputs). The manual for the non-Signature Romulus states:
Recommended load impedance: >20Kohm balanced; >l0Kohm single-endedAnd I would emphasize the ">"; presumably loading that is not significantly greater than those values would represent at least a small degree of compromise.
The corresponding numbers for the Signature version, which don't appear to be published, would probably be somewhat lower (better) than that, due to the output coupling capacitor upgrades it incorporates. But I suspect it would still be just marginally compatible, with the most likely consequence being some amount of rolloff in the bottom octave. So be sure that your assessment includes particular focus on material having significant content in the very deep bass region.
A number of other Aesthetix products are similarly marginal with respect to low impedance loads, which is why I suspected there might be an issue in this case and checked into these numbers.
Best regards,
-- Al