Having owned 3 different pairs of Morrow--they sound nice, but with each increasing number become more and more overpriced for very little difference in sound. I had the 3's, 4's and 5's biwired on the last 2. I always came back to Speltz Anticables. The wires I'm now using are a transformational step up in sound quality--Amadi Maddie Signature silver wired cables. Philip is still discounting these new at around $600/pair for 8 ft. runs. They will be $1895 when they get better known. I had MG Audio Planus III cables ($1595) that were also very good prior to this. The Amadi's are even better. They sound the equal of really expensive wires. My speakers are VMPS RM40's with lots of ribbon drivers that are extremely clear and dynamic sounding. I do have a tube preamp with a high current solid state amp. Hope that wasn't too much info.