Roger that; Samba pa ti.
For something off the beaten path, but definitely in the achingly beautiful category, try the track 'Theme From Harry's Game' on Clannad's 'Past Present' album. It is a deeply melancholy, but soaringly melodic dirge, sung in Gaelic by Enya, before she was known as a one-name new- age solo act. A fitting lament for the Irish troubles, as portrayed in the excellent, little known British film: 'Harry's Game'.
Back to the classics; Song of India, Rimsky-Korsakoff, (lonely stevedore working on the Volga river in Russia pines for his homeland) and the penetrating (in a good way) violin solos from Scheherezade, 3rd and 4th movements, same composer.
For something off the beaten path, but definitely in the achingly beautiful category, try the track 'Theme From Harry's Game' on Clannad's 'Past Present' album. It is a deeply melancholy, but soaringly melodic dirge, sung in Gaelic by Enya, before she was known as a one-name new- age solo act. A fitting lament for the Irish troubles, as portrayed in the excellent, little known British film: 'Harry's Game'.
Back to the classics; Song of India, Rimsky-Korsakoff, (lonely stevedore working on the Volga river in Russia pines for his homeland) and the penetrating (in a good way) violin solos from Scheherezade, 3rd and 4th movements, same composer.