Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
geez Slappy,i got a good laugh on that one ,ive pictured the same thing!with me its more like sitting in the sweet spot drooling when i play Sade!i get visuals when i listen to her,
Lisa Gerrard - Duality
Pergolesi - Stabat Mater, Decca, Scholl and Bonney
Ella Fitzerald - Jazz 'Round Midnight' - Polygram
id say the swan theme from swan lake there is so many from tchikovsky i dont know where to begin also 2nd movement from the 5th synphony some rachmaninov and also vaunhn williams 5th synphony