Turntable recommendation for under 6k

Hello: I am starting to look a turntable upgrade and want to budget for arm, cartridge and table 6k. Used is ok. Any recommendations appreciated and or advise. Thanks, Bruce
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbringgeld
It doesn't look like first TT from the post content view.

I'm fan of suspended turntables such as Michel Orbe($3...4k used)/Wilson Act arm($1k used)/Lyra Delos($1k used or earlier version Lyra Argo). Oracle Delphi with same mentioned arm/cartridge may have similar sound qualities.
I would look for a used SME 10 at about $5K and spend the rest on a cartridge. Maybe a Shelter or an Ortofon.
Hi go for one of the SOTA turntabels, from Star and up, they are great. Playing at a very high level compared to the price.

I have had severals and you get a superb support too.

Put a Mörch DP6 on it and because of the possibillity to change the armtubes ist a very versaile combination.
Cartridge must be put in context with your prefferance and the rest of the system.

Easy to live with, very musical and runs for ever.

regards Thastum