Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
I'm running a pair of the Telefunken E88CC from Upscale in my Aesthetix Romulus Eclipse. This CDP takes 1 pr 6dj8 and 1 pr 12ax7.
The Funkies are definitely very nice. I would describe them as "clean".
BTW: I too would like to hear the new Acute DAC.
Tried the telefunkens I have them still. I liked the seimens better. Bigger soundstage. The telefunkens were a little too hot up top on my player.
I'm also using Mullard 12ax7s which might be balancing the Telefunkens. I've not heard the the Telefunkens on their own so what you're saying may be true.
"Sense63 - Which NOS tubes have you tried and which ones were your favorite? What are musical tastes? Always glad to hear of another who loves the EAR Acute. It is a great player."

Telefunken and Tungstram tubes. I listen to a lot of different music, but mainly acoustic, folk, jazz, classic rock.