Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
That purchase was 4 1/2 years ago and don't recall any import duty(it may have been factored in the cost I paided). The tubes were much less buying from them than Axiss who was the American importer at that time.
I bought my Takatsuki pair from pricejapan. Their price after fees is actually the same as the price + fees quoted from amtrans. However, amtrans won't accept paypal payment and I really don't want to wait in the banks to wire transfer and thus I bought them from pricejapan. Anyhow, the price has increased by 10% since I bought them and the wait time has been much longer.

Too bad I cannot and may never be able to do a Taka vs Elrog comparison - my Elrog pairs died on my Lampizator Big 7 and they were sent back long ago. But I do prefer Taka a lot to EML 300B XLS on Frankenstein. Maybe a tiny bitter worse than EML for big scale but everything else better.

I am now settled with Taka but I do hope that Elrog could fix their reliability issue. They were top 300B tubes for sure.

By the way, the Takatsuki 274B is also great but also expensive (priced close to vintage WE27B NOS).
Amtrans is a Japanese vendor of various audio and other electronics. I have bought a couple of pairs of Takatski 300b from Amtrans. I have found them totally reliable and honorable. Only sometimes they are slow to answer emails from the US. (I once had a Japanese friend call Amtrans after my emails had gone unanswered; Amtrans immediately emailed me. Not sure whether the issue was a server or language depending on who was the office.) Amtrans has also been helpful in working with Takatsuki to cull a pair with a low mA as recommended by my amplifier designer.

Takatsuki has had three US distributors: Axiss, Amazon, and now Trueaudiophile. The US price has always been higher than the direct-from-Japan price: 140,000-150,000yen (the price was increased when they introduced the black bases) vs 1800USD from Amazon and now almost 2000USD from Trueaudiophile. When Takatsuki has a US vendor, Amtrans will not sell direct to the US. Not sure about other Japanese vendors, but it might be similar.

Whenever I have bought something from Amtrans, it has been shipped EMS. Delivery has been fast (less than one week - often a matter of days) with no import duty. In my experience Amtrans has always accepted PayPal; in fact, Amtrans insisted on it.

If I needed something from Japan and it was available from Amtrans, I would not hesitate.
Hi Wyan001,
I know of others who tried Tak, EML and AVVT 32SL like I've done. As expected the ranking order varies amongst the listeners. As a group I felt that all three of them were excellent 300b options. I wasn't sure if the Elrog could exceed that elite trio but they did. Quite an achievement. I have heard nearly all of the highly regarded 300bs with the exception of the "vintage" version W.E. 300b. They're just too expensive for me to sample.
Yes, Amtrans is very solid and reliable to deal with. After placing my order(via bank transfer) the Takatsuki pair, they arrived in only 2 days from Japan.