Purist Audio power cords and cables

I just saw that the newest top of the line Purist power cord is retailed for $10k one meter length.
Are they so much better than Dominus?
I have this wish to challenge Jim Aud himself to tell the difference between them and Dominus. In a system of his choice with my choice of played material. Anyone compared?
Now, I am a big fan of Purist. Suddenly Swiss watches for $30k or so seem like a big bargain.
I agree with Zd542, why don’t you listen and decide for yourself if an upgrade to an ultimate level cable has merit in your system. While you’re at it, The Cable Company has other brands in every price category.

In short, It does not matter what we think, you’re the one left with the result of your decision after the money is spent.

I will say that cable at the ultimate tier, regardless of brand or design is (in my opinion) best used in a system where speakers, amp and other options are pretty much at maximum.

At that point ultimate cable designs become critically important. Short of that, you’re right, the price for any top brand that represents a disproportional portion of your total investment in the system is probably wrong.
The first thing I would do would be to put Dominus on one monoblock and 25th on another, and the material would be the one not very well recorded, then I would proceed further.I would like to challenge myself with this kind of test too, by the way.
Albert, I suspect you tried every Purist cable ever made. What is the difference between Dominus and the newest one? And another question to you. Is that customized Technics that you have, two actually, the best turntable available? Better than Walker or just different?
I don't borrow equipment if I have no intention of buying it.
Envy your Studer.