Schiit Bifrost Multibit option

Just seen this new option/upgrade and wondered if anyone has tried it yet?

George - my Bifrost is superb as-is, but it did require some tweaks.

Having said that - it doesn't hurt to push that envelop :-)
Similar update being offered for the Gungnir too, Willie. I haven't done it. A little bit tempted but it's $500 bucks which is almost what I spent buying it the first time around (it was returned/B Stock; since my purchase, looks like they've also had a price increase on the stock Gungnir). I don't understand the upgrade technology, but I'm wondering if George LoFi is not being tongue in cheek. Backwards to the future?
Gh, I tried their USB upgrade, only to discover the v-link was far superior.

I'm now looking at Musical Fidelity based on the quality of the v-link

I'm not impressed with their upgrades

Btw, I also believe Gearoge's tongue was firmly planted in his cheek :-)))


No, no back to the future for me I briefly stepped my toes into Delta Sigma type convertors (eg: 1bit,bitstream,single bit, Sabre ect) they're all Delta Sigma based.
But they couldn't come close to properly implemented R2R Multibit for Redbook replay sound quality.
And I have no interest in DSD, Hi-rez or SACD it does nothing for me, maybe because it has to go through a Delta Sigma type dac, I don't know, it just has no jump factor or midrange warmth, it sweet enough but just a bit of a yawn.

They "the real hiend guys" not just the ones that jumped on the DSD Hi Rez bandwagon that need to use Delta Sigma type dacs. Will all be going back to R2R Ladder Multibit one day as it is "the bit perfect process", and sounds better on Redbook than Delta Sigma.

These are just some of the very best around at the moment that have shunned Delta Sigma and gone back and used R2R Multibit, either discrete or chip. And the list grows all the time.

Trinity Dac
Ypsilon Cdt-100
MSB Platinum
Total Dac
Audial (Peja Rodgic)
AMR top dac and cdp (Thorsten Loschec)
Emm labs
CH precision

Cheers George
I just got the Bifrost MB and have had it for two days getting it warmed up. It sounds similar to my Theta DS Pro Progeny v. A but with more resolution and less bloom in the upper mids and bass. The Theta is arguably more "fun" but not as resolving or accurate. This is a $600 game changer. I upgraded for $250 and shipped it on the Friday it was launched and received it yesterday. I'm waiting for a comparison of the Bifrost MB and Audio-GD DAC-19 Anniv. DSP. Both are competing R2R DACs at the lowest price range in the market. I know I am one of the first people to receive a Bifrost MB so I'm sure more impressions are coming soon.