Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Wyan, that's some high praise for the Elrog. I really like what the Psvane 101Ds do on the Golden Gate. Let's hope Elrog makes a version that can handle AC filament supply.
Hi Dracule1

>Let's hope Elrog makes a version that can handle AC filament supply.

ER300B can handle AC filament supply...the problem is the residual hum...depending on the speaker sensitivity. Thats why we recommend DC heating.
The problem is the very small thermal mass of the very thin filament wires, necessary matching the heater specification of WE (5V,1.2A) using thoriated tungsten filaments (Filament temperature is about 1650°C instead of about 700°C).
We could build 300B using oxide coated filaments, but this would be another (boring) copy of the 300B only...
Using thoriated tungsten is the reason of sound improvment, because the behavior is very different.

I find it quite interesting that the filament material so positively influences the sound quality of a tube. All I can do is confirm what I'm hearing, beautiful music reproduction.
Dear Matthias, thank you for responding to my concern. I have never used your 300B tube so I have no practical experience with AC filament supply with your tube. I have the Lampizator Golden Gate DAC that can use 300B, 45, or 101D tubes at the output. I really wanted to try the Elrog 300B tubes, but I was told by one of your former retailer in the USA that the Elrog will certainly FAIL if AC filament supply is used. The Golden Gate uses AC filament heating, so I was very disappointed. Do you think Elrog 300B is compatible with the Lampizator Golden Gate DAC?
Dear Matthias, given Elrog 300B failure in Wyan001's Lampizator DAC, I would not take the risk of buying a pair of your 300B tubes, unless I can be assured by you that your tubes will work fine with the Lampizator GG DAC and will be backed up by prompt replacement or refund if failure does occur. I'm really hoping you can assure me. Regards.