CD Sound ; Esoteric x-03 versus Oppo 105

For CD sound; any difference?
Zephyr. I appreciate your response and the difference in build and analog quality. I was thinking more along the line of a 10 yr old state of the art hi-def,1080P TV versus a new good quality 4K TV and wondering if that was the situation. Thanks.
Stereo 5, I have not questioned the quality of the Esoteric. Just considering the evolution of the technology.
Ptss: No worries, I understand; write me on Audiogon mail if you wish to talk further on this subject either phone or email.
"10-10-15: Ptss
Zephyr. I appreciate your response and the difference in build and analog quality. I was thinking more along the line of a 10 yr old state of the art hi-def,1080P TV versus a new good quality 4K TV and wondering if that was the situation. Thanks."

That's a valid concern with video, but not audio. 4k TV just came out, but there has been no new audio formats introduced in the last 10 years.
I am wondering would the Oppo 105 with the Modwright modification sound better than the X-03?