Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Bigpond, thanks for the correction. I must be thinking of the old live recording they did with full orchestra.
Which I have to say had moments of great drama and most certainly was very dynamic.
Bryon: That is a uniquely fantastic piece.Which version do you like? I have Kings College Cambridge doing it in Latin on CD and in English on Vinyl.I also have the Tallis Scholars on Nimbus CD.
Does everyone know that this piece was Papal property under threat of excommunication and was only sung on Ash Wednesday in the Sistine Chapel by the Papal choir? Until Mozart went there, memorized it and put it to paper.

Written for schola (men)including "imbellementi" sections where the castrati sings a high C several times in a very ethereal tonality. Magical

I prefer the vinyl of course, though the Latin text is more correct.Being a Kings College fan, the Willcocks/English version is a historical recording;since Kings also does this piece every Ash Wednesday.Kings chapel may be one of the few spaces that can compare with the Sistine chapel,which makes the recording all the better.
This one is a real treasure.
Emorrisiv - I have at least three versions of the piece. The Kings College version in latin is my favorite. I didn't know all the history you mentioned. That's fascinating. Can you recommend other choral pieces with a similar ethereal quality?