Schiit Bifrost Multibit option

Just seen this new option/upgrade and wondered if anyone has tried it yet?

I just got the Bifrost MB and have had it for two days getting it warmed up. It sounds similar to my Theta DS Pro Progeny v. A but with more resolution and less bloom in the upper mids and bass. The Theta is arguably more "fun" but not as resolving or accurate. This is a $600 game changer. I upgraded for $250 and shipped it on the Friday it was launched and received it yesterday. I'm waiting for a comparison of the Bifrost MB and Audio-GD DAC-19 Anniv. DSP. Both are competing R2R DACs at the lowest price range in the market. I know I am one of the first people to receive a Bifrost MB so I'm sure more impressions are coming soon.

A correction in that list of R2R Ladder Multibit dacs.

Delete the EMM labs, it's delta sigma.
What should have been in it's place is the DaVinci from Harmonic Light.

Cheers George

Delta Sigma type dacs (redbook dsd, hirez, sacd ect)
R2R Ladder Multibit dacs (mostly redbook only, there are a couple of very expensive exceptions).

This guy hits the nail on the head for me, there are many others also that delve into it far to complex for these pages.
If you can't understand it don't worry go down to the look and it may start to make some sense.

Cheers George
Wow... I don't know why, but I actually understood what he was talking about.
I guess it's true, an old dude can learn if he obsesses and reads enough about a subject.
I will be sending my Bifrost in for the upgrade very soon.

Looks like Bruno Putzey of Hypex Class D amp fame has gone to designing a discrete Multibit dac (called the Mola Mola) that uses 32 x 1 Bit dacs per channel, that is capable of doing dsd as well as Redbook.

Production board

I think this was the prototype

Cheers George