Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Funny how things seem appropriate when you're finally paying attention.
I just saw the movie, "Hereafter", by the one and only Clint Eastwood. I'm not aware that it was a 'smash' or even received all that well, but it was magnificent in so many ways; the most important way it was so, was the 'main theme'...and according to the end credits, 'music by Clint Eastwood'...I believe he wrote it.
It's a story about the mystical, magical 'hereafter' which some have described in near death experiences, and the obvious, oft told similarities of these tales.
It's not preachy, or even religious, just a telling of several people whose lives become linked through the commonalities of experience--and the music, the main theme is breathtakingly beautiful.
Eastwood is the master of subtleties (strange after, "Make my day", isn't it?) But he repeats the main theme melody line through the movie, using orchestra, solo electric guitar, piano...and it absolutely took my breath away.
Fans of music and great movies should run, not walk to the video store, (Red Box these days, or Netflix) and rent this movie. Better yet, go to Target...they're selling regular DVD's for ridiculous prices and folks, THIS IS A KEEPER! Don't miss it.

Good listening, (watching too)
PS: For the hornier of us out there, there's an incredibly sensual scene in which Damon and Byce Dallas Howard, (Ron Howard's daughter)are taking cooking classes and have to identify various foods while blindfolded---very sexy stuff, though really PG and only an actively horny mind like mine and Albert Porter's would
Funny how that led me to remember my comments on how being blindfolded (for listening tests) causes some emotional/intellectual/sense,disconnect and IMHO invalidates most such tests.

Remember that its a recurring theme...background so it won't jump out at you--however...for whatever reason, it really, really hit me hard that melody.
I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did--both the music and the movie.

Good listening and watching,
Beatles' Love DVD-A, Tchaikovskys' Nuycracker Suite, and from way back in the country, the songs and melodies of Hank Williams Senior with his MoJo slide guitarist.

Good choices all...gotta love slide guitarists.

Good listening,
