Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Just sold over $30,0000 in Tara cables. Thanks you guys for calling attention to this travesty. This thread topic reads like one big "Snow Job".

Glad I got out when I did. Replaced the whole loom with cables from Monoprice for under $100. What a savings and no "inflated" mark-up! :>)
@audiolabyritnth yes I have been tube rolling my E.A.R. Acute CD player. First tubed upper end CD player I had that ayon cd2s debacle. I use it for my cd's then I use the resonessence mirus for my other files. I have dsd files on a sd card that play on my dac's sd card slot.
Ok fellas, just saw the responses. I always wanted to hear what the other Tara labs sounded like. I'm going to look and see how the compare to the atlas mavros and the high fidelity cables I use. I also sometimes use clarity cable Im going to try all of this out and see what happens. Good heads up on pricing. We will see how they help or hurt my system. Will be good to actually talk about sound for a change.
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Sts, the Grandmaster has the gen 3 conductors, that is not found in any other model they have, it is a new proprietary conductor design, I have blogged here numerous times about it.