Best DAC for around $10K new or used

I want to upgrade my Bryston BDP -1. Considering Bricasti M1, MSB Signature IV, Lampi BIg 7 and Stahltek OPUS...

At this level everything is so good, it really does come down to personal preference. I'm learning with my search for speakers that system context is so important. It really isn't how a component sounds, but how does it sound in your system. Unfortunately, most of us never get to hear a component in our own system.
"Unfortunately, most of us never get to hear a component in our own system."

How can you have a component in your system and not hear it?
Most of us never get to hear a component in our own system...meaning most don't get to evaluate a component in their own system prior to purchase. At least that has been my experience.
Having a good local dealer to work with is priceless in this hobby. Once you establish a relationship with them I find most are willing to loan demo gear for in home auditions if you're a legitimate customer. Of course you can't abuse the privilege and they aren't likely to have every brand or model that you may be considering, but it helps to be able to hear what you can prior to purchase.
"I just went from the Bricasti M1 to a Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC. There are no absolutes in Audio and based on my experience the other components will determine what works best for you. In others words, if possible try them in your system. There is no such thing as the's what you prefer!"

This response should be just given to about 90% of all questions posed on this forum . Kudos !