B&W 703 front and HTM7center low end speakers ??

some nitwit said they were at the lower end of the B&W speaker range, there number. 3 from the top. did i miss something i'm no wizard and quite new at this but if (George Lucas use them the 800 series)i'm using the 700 series. this make mine low end some one tell me what i don't know like i said I'm new at this all i have is a Mcintosh MHT 200 receiver 8X 140 and my 703 front & HTM7 center did i make a mistake i thought i did good but its hard to get a lot of feed back from more than one person maybe I'm wrong but then the last man thought my receiver was a c200 Mcintosh but he may have read it wrong thanks manfred7
A while back a buddy of mine had a B&W Matrix HTM center, and although I'm not really a B&W fan I thought it excelled as a center speaker. I think at least some of it had to do with the tweeter being positioned directly above a single mid driver (like yours) as opposed to the more common tweeter flanked horizontally by two mids. As your center is probably a big improvement over what I heard and assuming you like what you hear, who cares what some other nimrod says?

That aside, dude, I'd ask you to please try to clean up your grammar a bit if you plan to post in the future. I know you were probably just trying to post out of expediency (and you're certainly not the only one) and I might get my head bitten off for saying this, but it seems just a little lazy and disrespectful to throw something like this out when you're asking for help or opinions from others on this site. Maybe it's just me, but reading this post was like chewing on verbal tin foil. Painful. I'm sure you can do better.
I couldnt give two smurf's twinkies of a rats gas passer what anyone here thinks of my lack of a diligent Spell Check effort on some posting!! In fact, if you or anyone else here cares more about punctuation and proper sentence structure over actual pertinent audio chat forum content then, please, feel free to pass right over my dialogue!
In the mean time, feel free to take a few weeks off from your title of AGon punctuation Sheriff? ..and then, like, take a hike
Avgoround, I was referencing the original post, not yours. Sorry for the confusion.
Well then, the man still has McCintosh n B&W gear n stuff. So he can't be all THAT bad, now could he?!
..maybe we could lighten up there a wee bit now there Francis!! Lol
The 703s and HTM7 are highly detailed speakers.  It's only if you compare to say the much more expensive 804S and HTM4S that the 703s begin to sound a bit forward and a bit harsh in the midrange.  But for the money, the 703/HTM7 is tough to beat.  Enjoy.  They are also beautifully finished.  Happy listening.  :-)