BtW, case anyone cared, the 800 series BMWs are /were used in one of the Lucas Film Editing rooms for years, not likely necessarily because theyre the best sounding loudspeakers attainable for movie playback reproduction perse, but likely because they represented what could reasonably be expected to be heard from a higher end home music speaker system as a reference, i believe.
Ive sold the entire BMW line on a retail level for years, and can say from experience that they arent the most dynamic, ultra refined, most effective even revealing speaker out there for that job!! (Dubbing studio mixing playback, whatever). Im just saying they wouldn't likely be my among my first choice there at the ranch. Id be prob looking for ultra efficient high end active units myself.
Just some imput. However definitely run your speakers as 80hz crossover n let sub do bass is best option here, clearly.
Ive sold the entire BMW line on a retail level for years, and can say from experience that they arent the most dynamic, ultra refined, most effective even revealing speaker out there for that job!! (Dubbing studio mixing playback, whatever). Im just saying they wouldn't likely be my among my first choice there at the ranch. Id be prob looking for ultra efficient high end active units myself.
Just some imput. However definitely run your speakers as 80hz crossover n let sub do bass is best option here, clearly.