Free $3K preamp to lucky listener who names it

We at Backert Labs have just introduced our new preamp, which is sonically very close to our $7,500 unit at less than half the price ($2,995 to be exact).

It doesn't have a name yet, so we're having a contest: a lucky listener who suggests the name that we decide to use will win one.

If we don't use any of the names suggested, there will still be a winner, selected at random from all entries. If the name we select was submitted by more than one entry, we'll draw the winner at random from those entries.

Our press release is handy if you'd like some info before submitting your name idea.

Enter here.

Good luck!
Responding to Tubegroover:
"Congradulations to the winner and Backert Labs for coming up with a great marketing idea to gain exposure to their new pre-amp. I wish Backert Labs great success with their new Rhumba!"
Thank you! It's great to hear your feedback, and everyone else's. Even the non-positive feedback is valuable, please don't hesitate. We really appreciate your checking in, and especially those who submitted names for the giveaway.

"What I can't figure out though is why not Mamba, Samba or Bamba, Merengue or Tango perhaps... what sticks out about Rhumba?"
We like those too! Especially Samba... the president of the company plays the drums, that was his favorite drum cadence in high school marching band... but our flagship model is the Rhythm, so with the Rh- thing you can see how Rhumba is a natural follow-up!
Submitted " &Blues" Brilliant IMO 😄

Congrats to the winner

Good listening

My next model names nominations will be based on modern dances:

1. "Break"
2. "Techno"
3. "House"

Keeping same pattern is important.
Hey will there be any next model with contest?

I think the theme should be changed tho from Latin dance to money such as

TR -- Tax Refund
JGP -- Just Got Paid
HI -- High Interest
COH -- Cash On Hand
WOL -- Went Over Limit
DTMW -- Don't Tell My Wife
MPL -- My Personal Loan
SMC -- Sold My Car
MSM -- Made Some Money
GR -- Got Raise
CA -- Can't Afford