speakers for first watt j2

Desperately need help with this decision: I need to find speakers for my J2 and I am having a hard time finding some for under $1500. I think I made the mistake of buying the amp before the speakers. At some point if I can't find a decent pair I'm going to sell the amp and get an amp with more watts to mate with my Revel M20's. My room is about 22 x 12 and I like 70's rock and electronic, along with folk and jazz (+ some chamber music).

Help out with this last ditch effort, pleeeeasssse.
You can go with the new speaker from Spatial Audio. They sound very good for the money. I drive my M1 model with a Triode of Japan 300B 8 Watts. If the speaker don't work you have 45 days to return them

Those are very interesting. Can you say what strengths and weaknesses you hear with those compared to others?

I have owned 3 pairs of Maggie's last being 1.7, Apogees, Acoustic Zens, Teckton, Kef's DQ 10's. I love a huge soundstage with 3D front to back layering. The Spatials have it all. They sound like planers on steroids with dynamic and bass that will knock you off your chair. This is the best speaker I have owned for the money. Since. .. the purchase two off my friends who were over for a listen sold their speakers. Guess what they purchased?