Frogman, I am pleased that I can learn something from you, would not loose time in arguing, hope that I do not leave that impression.
Regarding the subject, of players who were not appriciated enough. Hope that these words will finaly clear my point of view on that matter.
I have suggested that here are numerous players in jazz, who did not get substantial recognition.
You, on the other hand, think that everyone who had such destiny, simply deserved it, because was not good enough player, and that the great ones always will come to the top.
I belleive that in term 'great' lies the root of our missunderstanding. For me, there are lots of 'great' players, for you, there is only a handfull of 'the great' ones. With that I agree. (THE great)
On the other hand, very few men can deliver the things that the 'The graet' ones can, and by messuring everything with that standards in mind, man can only narrow his musical choices. Thats what I ment when I have used the analogy with Rembrandt. Very few men in history of art had his skills, would that mean that their work is not great or impressive?
But, let us not go into semantics. You have mentioned 'context' as well. If we look some players and their work in time when they lived, man could be surprised to find, that even Grant Green, for example, was not considered 'the top' player, and was deeply unhappy with his status.
So, it was really tough world where they lived and it is no wonder that many lost their way or just remained in obscurity. Of course, I am very courious to find more 'hidden' music and to know more about it in general, and that is all I ever wanted to say. You may have found all music that you thought that is worth listening too, and thats fine. Certainly I will continue to try to look things from your perspective in order to understand better or to learn something new, and for that I am gratefull that you are writing here.
As for George Benson, my thoghts are quite subjective, he is a very good player, but he never managed to 'touch' me, always he gave me the 'hollow' feeling, like his skills exsisted just because of them self,not because he was trying to transcedent some feeling with his playing. Kind of Al Di Meola, guy can play, but there is something missing.
As for Dave Burns, you clearly are not his fan, maybe you could tell us why?
You are quite happy to not have him in your collection, does that mean that you will skip the albums where he played or had some bigger part?Some of very fine Dizzy's, Moody's, Griffin,s Taylor,s and so on, list is long?
I like the album, but the cover is great, looks like its have been made with some Edward Hopper's painting in mind
Regarding the subject, of players who were not appriciated enough. Hope that these words will finaly clear my point of view on that matter.
I have suggested that here are numerous players in jazz, who did not get substantial recognition.
You, on the other hand, think that everyone who had such destiny, simply deserved it, because was not good enough player, and that the great ones always will come to the top.
I belleive that in term 'great' lies the root of our missunderstanding. For me, there are lots of 'great' players, for you, there is only a handfull of 'the great' ones. With that I agree. (THE great)
On the other hand, very few men can deliver the things that the 'The graet' ones can, and by messuring everything with that standards in mind, man can only narrow his musical choices. Thats what I ment when I have used the analogy with Rembrandt. Very few men in history of art had his skills, would that mean that their work is not great or impressive?
But, let us not go into semantics. You have mentioned 'context' as well. If we look some players and their work in time when they lived, man could be surprised to find, that even Grant Green, for example, was not considered 'the top' player, and was deeply unhappy with his status.
So, it was really tough world where they lived and it is no wonder that many lost their way or just remained in obscurity. Of course, I am very courious to find more 'hidden' music and to know more about it in general, and that is all I ever wanted to say. You may have found all music that you thought that is worth listening too, and thats fine. Certainly I will continue to try to look things from your perspective in order to understand better or to learn something new, and for that I am gratefull that you are writing here.
As for George Benson, my thoghts are quite subjective, he is a very good player, but he never managed to 'touch' me, always he gave me the 'hollow' feeling, like his skills exsisted just because of them self,not because he was trying to transcedent some feeling with his playing. Kind of Al Di Meola, guy can play, but there is something missing.
As for Dave Burns, you clearly are not his fan, maybe you could tell us why?
You are quite happy to not have him in your collection, does that mean that you will skip the albums where he played or had some bigger part?Some of very fine Dizzy's, Moody's, Griffin,s Taylor,s and so on, list is long?
I like the album, but the cover is great, looks like its have been made with some Edward Hopper's painting in mind