Top Ten Tuners of all Time??

To start this thread I vote for the Yamaha T 1. At its price performance,little to touch it period. Whats your vote?
A modded tuner is definetelly better than a stock version. And many slippers will come in the first 10 if modded. Akai AT-V04 with a tube stage it is one, Sanyo T-55 with couple of easy mods on the audio section.

Kenwood KT-5020 modded by Mr. Joseph Chou from is definitelly in top 10 all time. After modifications it is creating vaccuum around it and is sounding better than any CD-player. Why? Because mr. Chou is knowing his profession: it is a tuner expert engineer, beeing part of the Japanese team that designed the famous KT-917. And is an audiophile. So, he knows very well what he is doing.

Please note that I have no affiliation of whatsoever with him, other than beeing a happy happy customer.
akai maaster reference 93L and a akai 52L are the best tuners ive heard since 1971.
I also have a kenwood 5020L and thats good as well.
I have or have had all of the tuners generally mentioned as being amoung the best, including the FM tuner group's top 10. My top 5, in terms of their sound (I am an audiophile, not a DX'er) are as follows: #1 a highly modified Sansui TU 719 (yes, thats right, this is the best sounding unit I have encountered), #2 Tandberg 3001A, #3 a modified Sansui TU 9900, #4 Phillips AH 673/6731 and #5, the Accuphase T-100, I also have a T-101 and put the T-100 a little ahead of it. To my ears I would put the Kenwood L02T at # 7, behind the Sansui TUX1. I have had both a Mac MR77 and a MR78 and put all of the above mention substantially ahead of the Mac's in terms of sound.