While I'm hesitant to question George's recommendations, FWIW I don't understand some of them. According to my documentation and my understanding, the 5AR4 (which he advises against) is two-way interchangeable with, and therefore very similar to, the GZ34 and the GZ37 (which he suggests trying). Also, the filament current drawn by the 5AR4, at least in its vintage incarnations, is 1.9 amps, not 4 amps as stated. 1.9 amps being substantially LESS than the draw of the EML versions of the 5U4 and 274B that are supplied by Lampi according to its website, as well as the filament draw of the vintage versions of those tubes. It is also slightly less than the 2.0 amp filament draw of the 5Z4 and 5R4.
Although if the filament current drawn by the tube is too low, as well as too high, problems can result. If it is significantly too low relative to what was anticipated in the design it could conceivably result in the filament voltage that is applied to the tube being high enough to shorten its life.
If it were me, without an ok from Lampi, either directly or via some indication on its website, I would be hesitant to use a rectifier whose filament current is significantly outside of the range of 2.4 to 3.0 amps, those being the ratings of the EML tubes the Lampi site indicates they supply. Are 1.9 and 2.0 amps "significantly outside" of that range? Not having knowledge of the specifics of the design, I don't know.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al