Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Sts,my system supports my cable's just fine, when people cry with emotion when they listen to the music, never have I had anyone walk away not in awe!
@audiolabryinth. Tell them kieth how your system is better than all of this overpriced stuff that is being put out now.
@Audiolabrynth. Can you post pics of your room and system. I'd love to see them!
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Sts, I have nothing to prove to you, lol, however, I have nos mullard m10 tubes, $500,00 each in the Vincent cds7 player, with furutech Rhodium outlet and aluminum wall frame, and $5,000.00 taralabs Cobalt with oyaida terminations for the power cord to the pkayer, the krell 700cx is the only one worldwide that is modified to this extent by krell then selfs, two year's and $11,000.00 of doing this to this amp, and running directly to this amp with taralabs zero gold with grounding station one meter is astonishing! , lol, are you trying to tell me what I hear is an illusion? Really?