What would you do?

I happen to have proof that a fairly well known American boutique audio audio company routinely and brazenly shill bids its auctions for audio equipment. Knowledge of this fraud and so many people being ripped off troubles me. Thoughts?
Report them to Audiogon and let their I T people set up a sting operation. I they are caught they can be tried and convicted of fraud. Worse case they get twenty lashes with a magic harmonizer.
Personally, I think that making an accusation like that could open you up to a slander lawsuit. Once you get sued, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong. You will still have to defend yourself, which is a pain. And then what if you lose and you end up with a judgment against you. Don't ever think you'll win a lawsuit because you're telling the truth or God is on your side or whatever. It doesn't work that way. IMO, if you think the bidding is crooked, don't bid and walk away. But, again, IMO, you come out blasting on the web, you have to be ready to take the heat. I wouldn't. There's some free legal advice for you. Take it or don't. Good luck.
I didn't mean to post twice, my mistake. Thank you for the advice. If an admin can delete/move this..
Free legal advice is worth what you pay for it.

Don't entirely agree with Chayro, because truth is an absolute defense to a libel or slander suit, and there are jurisdictional issues - they likely have to sue you in your state and county. It depends on the nature of the "proof" you have, and how you came by it.