why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
Once you acknowledge that cables can affect the perception of recorded sound, one has to decide what a significant difference is worth. To my ears, in my system, cables that have improved the quality of reproduced sound to the degree audiophiles associate with upgrading active components and speakers, to me, just like having high quality components and speakers, alot of money is not considered an unusual investment for cable's that achieve this.
Mapman wrote,

"No manufacturer will knowingly publish something that might limit sales. That's why most speaker makers understate what power is needed for best performance. It would scare off potential customers in many cases if they told them how much power was needed for optimal performance."

I actually don't think that's true. I am pretty sure most speaker manufacturers state the MINIMUM power required. They also frequently state the MAXIMUM POWER Handling capability. It's also why speaker manufactures usually state sensitivity, you know, to indicate relative power required.
I saw this heaDLINE TODAY:

"'COLOSSAL WASTE': US spent $43M to build $500,000 Afghan gas station"

That's 86X too much it would seem.
Geoff my point is that vendor specs are usually specified loosely because if used teh results will often at least satisy most people. That's different than specifying what is needed for best performance in order to satisfy audiophiles.

Maybe some high end companies do, but most vendors overall do not If they do, they limit their market to a select few and must price higher accordingly in order to make enough profit off of fewer units sold.

Just saying that proper application of specifications will likely lead to decent but not optimal results.
In regards to some of the above discussion, cables can't add something to the sound or signal since they are passive. I've always thought that the best ones do no harm so you can hear everything if your system is up to snuff.

Or do I have it wrong?

And, Melbguy, you insult people and then expect an audience when you post?