B&K EX-442 Sonata Series

Hi All,
I have had this Amp for a while and love the sound from it. However, one day it decided to stop power on. I opened the box and didn't see anything that seems to be abnormal...Anybody got any idea what too look for?
I have been looking for a B&K authorized service with no luck. Any suggestion on this option is much appreciated as well (I'm living in the Seattle area).
Thanks in advance.
did you try replacing the fuses on the rear panel and the internal fuses? (unplug the unit first)
I did check the fuses on the rear panel (sharing the same housing with the main power jack), but haven't checked the ones internally. I'll do that.
thanks for your feedback, Loomisjohnson.
Does your amp have a 12V trigger switch on the back? My B&K ST2140 has that switch; I don't know how the switch got pushed but it did once. Took me a few minutes to figure that out when the amp wouldn't come on.
Could also be a faulty power switch.
If you're using any type of line conditioner, check to make sure the fuses are good in that as well. (If it has them)
I have the same exact amp. It is a great amp.

Things to check...

The fuse on the back is a ceramic slow blow 12A 125/250v (1-1/4" x 1/4"). You will need a meter to tell if this type of fuse is blown or not.

All four internal rail and speaker fuses are identical. fast blow AGC 6A 125/250v. These are glass fuses and you can visually see if they are blown. You might need to remove them in order to see them clearly.

The rocker switch on the front panel can go bad. Use a meter to determine if the switch has gone bad. If it has, the exact same one can be purchased from Mouser Electronics, part 979-1555.312