Recent equipment you hated, thought overpriced

Enough with the glowing accounts and positivity. What equipment have you bought in the last couple of years that you either just hated or thought sounded good but was significantly overpriced? Dish it out.
Also I gotta say that there are many esoteric tweak devices sold that are overpriced accordingly. Some do little or nothing at all, so they are hard to hate other than for the fact that perhaps you got ripped off.
Here's a little bad press regarding the Shakti Holograms in this thread:

"Shakti's 1200 to 1700 for a few pieces of wood? Yeah, right."

I have two pairs of the Holograms ... one pair in the corners of the room behind the speakers and another pair spread out behind the listening position. Yes, not only are they made of wood, but cheaply built and flimsy too. BUT, I would challenge anyone to come over while I move them in and out of the system and deny that they don't make a VERY significant difference. I wouldn't want to listen without them.
Gosh, Mapman, you don't say? I'm getting the distinct feeling you're not my kinda guy. :-)
Mpingo discs get pinged a lot, too. Which is really quite funny considering what even one will do in just the right place.
Mapman, you sound like you have a lot of experience with exotic tweaks that don't work. I trust you got your money back. :-)